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Building Regs Part L & BREEAM

The application of lighting management helps meet the requirements of UK Building Regulations Part L and also achieve higher scores within rating and assessment methods such as BREEAM.

This seminar explores how lighting management systems meet the relevant clauses of Part L and maximise BREEAM ratings.

The detailed session studies the latest release of Building Regulations Part L2 (2013) on a clause by clause basis, exploring and debating each aspect, and challenging delegates to consider how best to apply lighting controls that meet the requirements for each of the space classifications defined within the standard.

The seminar also studies BREEAM 2014 (New Construction) and each relevant clause is reviewed to ensure that maximum BREEAM ratings are achieved through the application of lighting management. The discussions look beyond lighting control to consider the additional benefits of integration and connected control of other services including HVAC and solar shading to achieve higher BREEAM scores.

The seminar covers the following topics:

  • overview of lighting control and management
  • introduction to Building Regulations Part L 2013
  • clause by clause analysis of Part L 2013 and lighting control
  • discussion of “key terms”, their meaning and interpretation
  • introduction to BREEAM L 2014
  • clause by clause analysis of how lighting management assists in achieving high BREEAM scores
  • how integration and interoperability enhance building efficiency

The CPD Seminar or Webinar is accredited by CIBSE and counts towards an individual’s CPD requirement.

The session lasts an hour including ‘question and answer’ period and seminars are typically held at a client’s premises over a breakfast or lunchtime period.

For more information or to book an event e-mail