Delmatic’s latest IP DALI-2 solution delivers fully flexible management and monitoring of lighting throughout the campus. The state-of-the-art system individually addresses and monitors every luminaire and empowers occupants with the ability to precisely configure control and operation of lighting and integrated services within their workspace.
Delmatic’s DALI multisensors and presence detectors applied across the site optimise energy-efficiency by adjusting lighting levels to changes in occupancy and daylight, and the entire lighting network interfaces with the BMS via BACnet/IP and shares real-time sensor data with other energy consuming services to maximise operational efficiencies and sustainability.
Delmatic’s advanced graphical user interface with enhanced emergency monitoring and testing features, provides unmatched, real-time intelligence and powerful tools for managing and monitoring the lighting network. The software highlights lamp and driver failures in real time and logs the number of hours each lamp has been in operation, generating relamping schedules and ensuring lamps are sustainably replaced at the optimum point.
The IP DALI solution is fully customisable and enhancements include circadian tuneable-white scenarios, user control from web-browser and Apps, heatmapping and space analytics as well as full smart IOT integration through wired, wireless or mixed-mode devices.
The project was delivered by our partners in Ireland, Core Solutions