Delmatic systems enhance sustainability through energy-efficient
presence and daylight-linked control of lighting and other services, as well as
through zoning, sub-metering and real-time energy analysis.
Our open protocol solutions optimise operational efficiencies
by pooling and sharing data, and enhance sustainability by sharing network
hardware and infrastructure between systems to avoid unnecessary and
wasteful duplication of hardware and cabling.
To reduce waste and disposal, our systems monitor individual
lamp usage and generate relamping schedules which optimise lamp life and
avoid premature replacement, while real-time lamp failure monitoring enables
selective replacement of lamps. Equipment is designed for a long and reliable
operational life while our unique plug-in approach enables new technological
advances to be introduced while retaining the original hardware and
installation – maximising reuse and sustainability.
To optimise ongoing efficiency, Delmatic work closely with
clients to review building performance and continually re-evaluate system
configuration and operating parameters.